1. Home Pest Control
  2. DIY Home Pest Control
  3. Natural Repellents

Natural Repellents for DIY Home Pest Control

Learn about the different types of natural repellents and how to use them to control pests in your home.

Natural Repellents for DIY Home Pest Control

Do-it-yourself (DIY) home pest control is becoming an increasingly popular way for homeowners to protect their property from unwanted pests. While chemical sprays and traps are often effective, they can also be hazardous to the environment and to your family’s health. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives available that can help you keep pests away without the use of harsh chemicals. Natural repellents are a great option for DIY home pest control. Unlike chemical solutions, they don’t contain any toxins or hazardous materials, and they’re often made from items you already have around the house.

From essential oils to herbs and spices, there are many natural repellents that can help you keep pests away without harming the environment. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most effective natural repellents for DIY home pest control and how you can use them to keep your home safe from pests. Pests are a common problem in many homes. While chemical solutions are often used to combat pests, there are also natural repellents that can be used to keep pests at bay. In this article, we'll discuss different types of natural repellents and how to use them effectively for DIY home pest control. The first type of natural repellent is mechanical barriers.

These can include fencing, mesh, and netting that can be placed around your property to keep pests from entering. For example, if you have rodents in your yard, you can place a fence around your property to keep them out. Additionally, screens can be placed on windows and doors to keep insects from entering. The second type of natural repellent is scents and smells.

Certain smells can deter pests, such as peppermint oil, garlic, or citrus. You can use these scents in the form of sprays or candles around your home to keep pests away. Additionally, you can use them in the form of oils or powders directly on areas where pests are known to enter. The third type of natural repellent is plants. Certain plants, such as lavender and marigolds, can help deter pests due to their strong odors.

Planting these types of plants around your property can help keep pests away. Additionally, some plants are known to attract beneficial insects that can help control pests, such as ladybugs and wasps. The fourth type of natural repellent is light. Certain pests are attracted to or repelled by light, so using lights strategically around your home can help control pests. For example, if you have a rodent problem, you can set up lights in dark areas where rodents tend to hide.

This will make the area too bright for them to stay in and they will be forced to leave. Finally, another type of natural repellent is sound. Certain sounds can repel certain pests, such as ultrasonic sound waves that are only audible to certain pests. These sounds can be used around your home to repel certain pests without harming other animals or humans.


Certain plants such as lavender and marigolds have strong odors that can help deter pests. Lavender is known for its calming scent and is an effective repellent for moths, flies, and other insects.

Marigolds have a strong smell that deters mosquitoes, aphids, and some other crawling insects. Planting these plants in your yard or near your house can help reduce the number of pests that enter your home. In addition to their repellent properties, certain plants can also act as traps for some pests. For example, many flowering plants attract aphids, which can then be removed manually or with natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings. Other plants such as dill can attract cucumber beetles, which can also be removed manually. Finally, some plants can help deter certain pests by providing a food source for them.

For instance, planting herbs such as basil, oregano, and rosemary can attract beneficial insects such as honeybees and other pollinators which can help control pest populations.


Light can be used as a natural repellent for DIY home pest control. Certain pests, such as cockroaches, are sensitive to light and will avoid areas that are brightly lit. You can use this to your advantage by installing bright lights in areas of your home that are prone to infestations. For example, you could install a motion-activated light in your garage or around outdoor doors and windows to deter pests from entering your home. In addition to motion-activated lights, you can also use ultraviolet (UV) lights as a pest deterrent.

UV lights emit ultraviolet radiation, which is known to repel certain insects. This makes them an effective tool for keeping pests away from your home. You can install UV light fixtures near windows and doorways, or even outside near areas where pests like to congregate. Using lights strategically around your home can help control pests and prevent them from entering your living space. Keep in mind that different types of pests may respond differently to light, so you may need to experiment with different types of lights to find the most effective solution.


Ultrasonic sound waves are a natural repellent that can be used to control pests in the home.

These high-frequency sound waves are inaudible to humans, but they are effective at deterring certain pests such as rodents and insects. The waves interfere with the pests' sense of hearing and make it difficult for them to find food or shelter. The use of ultrasonic sound waves for pest control is not a new concept. In fact, it has been used for decades by commercial pest control companies. The sound waves can be broadcast from speakers or devices, which emit a constant frequency.

This makes it difficult for pests to stay in the area, as the sound waves are too irritating for them. Ultrasonic sound waves can be an effective way to keep pests out of your home without resorting to chemicals. The sound waves are safe for humans and pets, so you don't have to worry about any adverse effects. However, it is important to note that they may not work on all types of pests. It is best to consult with a professional pest control company if you are unsure about the effectiveness of these sound waves.

Mechanical Barriers

When it comes to DIY home pest control, mechanical barriers are an effective, natural way to keep pests out of your home.

Fencing, mesh, and netting are all great materials for creating a barrier between you and the pests. Fencing can be used to create a physical barrier that keeps pests from entering your yard or home. Mesh or netting can be used to cover windows and doors to prevent pests from entering your home. Using fencing is a great way to keep pests away from your home and garden. You can use fencing to create a perimeter around your house or yard, and it can be made from wood, metal, or plastic.

You can also use fencing to keep pests away from vulnerable areas such as gardens or outdoor living spaces. Mesh or netting is another great option for DIY home pest control. Mesh and netting can be used to cover windows and doors, making it difficult for pests to enter your home. These materials come in different sizes and colors, so you can find something that will match your home's aesthetic.

Additionally, mesh and netting are relatively inexpensive materials that are easy to install. Using mechanical barriers such as fencing, mesh, and netting is a great way to keep pests out of your home without using harsh chemicals or toxic substances. These barriers are effective at keeping pests out while also maintaining the look of your home.

Scents and Smells

Using scents and smells is an effective way to repel pests from your home. Many natural scents can be used to keep pests away, such as peppermint oil, garlic, and citrus. These scents can be used in sprays or candles that can be placed around the home.

Peppermint oil is a great natural repellent due to its strong smell. The scent of peppermint oil is known to repel spiders, ants, cockroaches, mice, and other common household pests. To use peppermint oil as a repellent, you can mix it with water in a spray bottle and spray it around the areas where you notice pests. You can also place peppermint oil in cotton balls and leave them in corners or other areas that may be prone to pests. Garlic is another natural repellent that can be used in DIY pest control.

The smell of garlic can help repel insects such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas, and other pests. To use garlic as a repellent, you can either crush it into a paste and spread it around the areas where you notice pests, or you can boil garlic cloves in water and spray the mixture around the home. Citrus fruits are also effective at repelling pests. The scent of lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruits are known to repel ants, cockroaches, moths, fleas, and other common household pests. To use citrus fruits as a repellent, you can either place slices of citrus fruit around your home or you can mix citrus juice with water in a spray bottle and spray it around the areas where you notice pests. Using scents and smells as natural repellents is an easy and affordable way to keep pests away from your home.

With the right ingredients, you can easily make your own DIY pest control solution that is both effective and safe for your family. Using natural repellents is an effective way of controlling pests in your home without using harmful chemicals. By utilizing mechanical barriers, scents and smells, plants, light, and sound, you can help keep your home pest-free. Mechanical barriers such as window screens and door sweeps can help to keep pests out of your house. Scents and smells like essential oils and cedar chips can also be used to repel insects. Certain types of plants like lavender, mint, and marigolds can also act as natural repellents.

Additionally, light and sound can be used to repel some pests. Natural repellents are an excellent way to control pests in your home and create a safe and healthy environment for your family. With proper use and implementation, natural repellents can be an effective DIY home pest control solution.

Ken Leonhard
Ken Leonhard

Passionate tv nerd. Passionate explorer. Certified zombie geek. Extreme internet fanatic. Typical bacon guru. Avid bacon evangelist.

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