1. Types of Pests
  2. Insects
  3. Flies

Flies: Everything You Need to Know

Learn everything you need to know about flies, including what they are, how they reproduce, and how to get rid of them.

Flies: Everything You Need to Know

Flies are some of the most common types of pests found in homes and businesses. They can be an annoyance, and can cause health risks to humans and animals alike. But just what do you need to know about flies? Read on to find out everything you need to know about these tiny pests. Flies have been around for centuries, and although they come in different shapes and sizes, they all share certain traits. Flies can be categorized by their size, color, behavior, and where they are found.

Knowing more about the different types of flies can help you identify them quickly and take action to get rid of them. In this article, we'll discuss the various types of flies, their behavior, and how to effectively get rid of them. We'll also discuss the potential health risks associated with flies, as well as tips on preventing them from entering your home or business. So keep reading to learn everything you need to know about flies.


are small insects that belong to the order Diptera. They have two wings, unlike most other insects which have four.

Flies use their wings to fly short distances and land on surfaces where they can feed. Flies reproduce quickly and have a short lifespan, typically lasting only a few weeks. Adult female flies lay eggs on moist surfaces such as soil, rotting vegetation, or other decaying matter. The eggs hatch in just a few days and the larvae feed on the decaying material until they become adults. Flies can transmit disease and cause nuisance biting, which makes them a major pest.

To get rid of them, it’s important to identify their breeding sites and take steps to reduce them. This may involve removing sources of food and water, using traps or insecticides, or sealing off possible entry points. It’s also important to practice good sanitation habits to reduce the risk of infestation. This includes disposing of garbage properly, keeping food covered, and cleaning surfaces regularly. In addition, it is important to remove potential breeding sites for flies from your home or business.

This includes anything that can hold water such as plant pots, buckets, or bird baths. Cleaning these items regularly will help prevent infestations. If you do find yourself with a fly infestation, there are several methods you can use to get rid of them. Traps such as sticky paper or fly strips can be placed around the home or business to catch flies. Insecticides can also be used to kill adult flies and their larvae.

It is important to read the instructions carefully when using any type of pesticide and take all safety precautions. In conclusion, flies are one of the most common and annoying pests. They can transmit disease and cause nuisance biting, so it’s important to take steps to reduce them. Identifying their breeding sites and removing potential sources of food and water is key. Traps and insecticides can also be used to get rid of existing infestations.

Finally, practicing good sanitation habits is essential to preventing future infestations.

How to Prevent Flies

To prevent flies from entering your home or business, it’s important to practice good sanitation habits and keep potential breeding sites away from your property. This includes disposing of garbage properly, keeping food covered, and cleaning surfaces regularly. Sealing off possible entry points with screens or weatherstripping can also help keep flies out.

What Attracts Flies?

Flies are attracted to food sources, such as garbage and sweet liquids like soda or juice. They’re also drawn to light, which is why they can enter buildings through open windows or doors.

Other factors that may attract flies include standing water, pet waste, and organic matter. Food sources, such as ripe fruit or uncovered garbage, are the most attractive to flies. To prevent them from entering your home, it’s important to reduce the number of food sources available. Make sure all garbage is covered tightly, and keep fruit stored in the refrigerator.

Flies are also drawn to light, so it’s important to keep windows and doors closed and covered with blinds or curtains. If you need to keep a window open for ventilation, consider using a screened window. Finally, flies are attracted to standing water and pet waste. If you have pets, be sure to clean up after them regularly.

If you have standing water on your property, such as in a pool or pond, consider adding a filter or aerator to keep the water moving.

How to Get Rid of Flies

TrapsIf you already have an infestation of flies, there are several methods you can use to get rid of them. Traps such as sticky traps or electric fly zappers can be used to catch and kill flies. These traps work by attracting the flies with a light or an attractant and trapping them on a sticky surface or inside an electric grid.

InsecticidesInsecticides can also be used if necessary. However, it's important to make sure you use the right insecticide for the type of fly you are dealing with, as some insecticides are only effective against certain types of flies. It's also important to read and follow all instructions and safety warnings when using insecticides.

Remove Breeding Sites

For long-term control, it’s important to identify and remove potential breeding sites from your property.

This includes things like standing water, food scraps, and decaying organic matter. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that windows and doors are properly sealed so that flies can’t get in. Flies are a nuisance and can spread diseases if they come into contact with food and other surfaces. To keep them away from your property, it's important to take preventative steps like removing breeding sites, practicing good sanitation habits, and keeping all food covered. If flies have already become an issue, traps and insecticides can be used to help get rid of them.

In conclusion, flies can be an irritating and potentially dangerous pest, but by understanding how they are attracted and reproducing, and taking the necessary preventative steps, you can keep them away from your home or business.

Ken Leonhard
Ken Leonhard

Passionate tv nerd. Passionate explorer. Certified zombie geek. Extreme internet fanatic. Typical bacon guru. Avid bacon evangelist.

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